Tag Archives: cheese from spain

Mussels with Afuega’l Pitu cheese sauce

Afuega’l Pitu is a famous cheese from Asturias, in the north west of Spain. It is made from pasteurized cow’s milk and it excites the most demanding palates. Their rounded pyramid shape (atroncau) is a classic reference.

In our online shop you'll find the more classic one and a more innovative one with hot paprika, main ingredients for the following spanish recipe:

Ingredients (serves 3)

  • 1 kg. of mussels
  • 1/2 cup of white wine
  • 25 gr.

Mariscal & Sarroca. The perfect gourmet gift comes in many sizes!

Combine our products to make your perfect personalized hamper gifts with a special taste.

This year you can make your christmas presents more personal by combining our products anyway you like...

Gourmet gifts with wonderful taste: venison cecina, gin tonic jelly, spicy afuega’l pitu paprika cheese, tomato and green peppercorn jam with a hint of whisky, extra virgin olive oil with saffron…



Are you a foodie? This post is especially for you

The Regional Government of Catalonia commissioned a report with the aim of analysing the strategic options of the gourmet sector. The study showed that in the region, in year 2012 there were 500 companies in the gourmet sector, 6 out of 10 dedicated to food and 4 out of 10 dedicated to drinks. Gourmet is a food produce of very high quality, sold in specialised shops, with a very attractive packaging


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