Potatoes with Mariscal & Sarroca chorizo


Potatoes with Chorizo by M&S

This is a common and traditional dish from Spain. Really easy to prepare, it will be the perfect dinner during the week or a wonderful lunch for the weekend.

Here we are with the ingredients for 4 persons:

Potatoes with Chorizo by M&S

– 800 Gr. potatoes.

– 1 Mariscal & Sarroca Ibérico chorizo (iberian chorizo – ring or  sausage shape).

– Water, salt, olive oil.





Cut the potatoes in pieces and boil them with salt and water up to you quantities.

Then boil the potatoes till they get cooked, avoiding them to get broken for about 20-25 minutes.

Cut the chorizo in slices and fry them in olive oil.

5 minutes before taking them out, just put in the chorizo to the potatoes and add the oil where chorizo was fried. Potatoes now will get a special chorizo taste.


Serve the dish with some little amount of broth from the cooking.



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