Monthly Archives: enero 2015

Iced truffels with gin tonic jelly

Bubub jams are totally different and original. They will change the way you eat jams and marmalades. Take for example the superb GIN TONIC JELLY with some iced truffles. Absolutely delicious!

But there are many more varieties that Mariscal & Sarroca has selected for you.

............  Bubub picks the best fruit, more

Ensalada de cecina de ciervo con frutos secos


Esta es una ensalada con contraste de sabores que combinan a la perfección, sencilla, fácil de preparar e ideal para una comida/cena ligera.

Ingredientes: 1 Bolsa de lechuga variada 1 sobre de Cecina de Ciervo 50g. Comprar en la tienda online. 100 g. avellanas tostadas 100 g de pasas secas 4 Cucharadas grandes de aceite de oliva extra virgen Mariscal & Sarroca. Comprar en la tienda online. 1 Cucharada de vinagre

The three wise men bring special presents

Three wise men bringing gifts to Christ, isolated on white

In Spain, and many other Latin American countries, the Three Wise Men bring presents to the children on the night of 5th January, when they come in through the windows to fill the house with gifts. A big parade is watched by many excited children.

Let Mariscal & Sarroca be your special Three Wise Men.



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