Category Archives: Blog (english)

Mariscal & Sarroca’s Blog (ENGLISH)

The taste umami in acorn fed Iberico ham

Umami is a Japanese word that means ‘tasty and flavoursome’. In Japan umami is considered the fifth flavour, a taste which is not salty, sweet, sour or bitter. This new flavour was discovered by the Japanese scientist Kikunae Ikeda in 1908.


Ikeda was a professor at the Imperial University of Tokio, and when he was studying the famous Japanese soup called dashi, made with the kombu


Macaroni with chorizo recipe.

Chorizo is one of the ingredients more widely used in Spanish cooking. It can be eaten raw (once cured), but it can also be cooked in many different ways, added to stews, grilled, fried… The paprika in the chorizo dilutes in the oil or sauces, providing a very special colour and tempting flavour.


This is a simple and delicious recipe, in which chorizo is used to


Cellar Can Feliu: mediterranean, tradition, wine and nature

 2013-06-26 12.57.13Wine cellar Can Feliu is situated in Porreras, Majorca, and was established in 1790 to produce wine from grapes coming from vineyards in Son Drago, Son Barbut and Son Dagueta. We care for the environment, and production is done following the natural cycles of each variety, respecting biodiversity and growing different types of fruit trees, thus encouraging the reproduction of native plants and wildlife.


History of La Coma Olive Oil Production

"LA COMA" estate is situated in the town of Vilabella, Tarragona (North East Spain), and our extra virgin olive oil takes its name from it. The olive trees are mostly from the arbequina variety. They grow on a privileged fertile area where conditions are optimal. These groves produce a very personal oil with an intensely fruity aroma.

gourmet-food-from-spain-mariscal-sarroca-extra-virgin-olive-oil-lacoma-history (4)

"La Coma" has been passed down from one


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