Tag Archives: bubub jams
Iced truffels with gin tonic jelly
Bubub jams are totally different and original. They will change the way you eat jams and marmalades. Take for example the superb GIN TONIC JELLY with some iced truffles. Absolutely delicious!
But there are many more varieties that Mariscal & Sarroca has selected for you.
IT IS STRAWBERRY SEASON, and Bubub knows well!
From January to June strawberries ripen in Spain. This red, sweet and juicy fruit finds lots of sunshine and the perfect temperature to thrive in the South of Spain, being Huelva one of the provinces with the largest strawberry plantations from where they are exported throughout Europe.
During the harvest the precious fruits are carefully arranged in wooden baskets. They are delicate and bruise easily. They keep fresh only
El pasado mes de marzo Mariscal&Sarroca estuvo presente en la IV Feria gastronómica Sabor Salou, que se ha celebrado los días 28, 29 y 30 en esta bella localidad de Tarragona. Con esta feria se promociona la gastronomía, la restauración y los productos propios de esta provincia catalana.
Salou es una localidad costera muy turística. Pero el turista ha cambiado sus exigencias en los últimos años. El viajero de hoy en
Bubum jams: the most original jams you’ve ever had
Bubub jams are totally different and original. They will change the way you eat jams and marmalades. Take for example the wonderful cava and gold jelly. Yes, made with real gold, and have it with some foie gras. Absolutely delicious! But there are many more varieties that Mariscal & Sarroca has selected for you.
Bubub picks the best fruit, and in