Tag Archives: mariscal and sarroca

Chorizo: the spanish sausage that britons love

Practically unknown 10 years ago, it is now consumed in 42% of British homes. Yes, chorizo has become really popular in the UK, according to a survey carried out by the magazine Olive, which in its 10th anniversary issue has published the gastronomic preferences of the British population.

Second in popularity after our delicious red sausage is sweet chili, present in 35% of homes, followed by prosecco, the Italian


The taste umami in acorn fed Iberico ham

Umami is a Japanese word that means ‘tasty and flavoursome’. In Japan umami is considered the fifth flavour, a taste which is not salty, sweet, sour or bitter. This new flavour was discovered by the Japanese scientist Kikunae Ikeda in 1908.


Ikeda was a professor at the Imperial University of Tokio, and when he was studying the famous Japanese soup called dashi, made with the kombu


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