Monthly Archives: enero 2016

Shrimp and Chorizo Paella recipe

Paella, the best known spanish dish, is famous for its use of precious saffron. Are you ready for this traditional spanish recipe? If you use authentic ingredients to start with, in less than an hour you'll be experimenting a perfect feast.

First of all, you'll need three Mariscal & Sarroca gourmet products from our online store: Chorizo from Salamanca, Saffrom from Teruel and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. more

Mussels with Afuega’l Pitu cheese sauce

Afuega’l Pitu is a famous cheese from Asturias, in the north west of Spain. It is made from pasteurized cow’s milk and it excites the most demanding palates. Their rounded pyramid shape (atroncau) is a classic reference.

In our online shop you'll find the more classic one and a more innovative one with hot paprika, main ingredients for the following spanish recipe:

Ingredients (serves 3)

  • 1 kg. of mussels
  • 1/2 cup of white wine
  • 25 gr.

Ensalada romana con queso tierno y aceite arbequina

Con la llegada del buen tiempo o tras una racha de copiosas comidas, nuestro cuerpo agradece una dieta más sana. Por eso, os traemos una receta tan saludable y deliciosa como rápida de preparar: una ensalada con queso tierno y aceite arbequina.

Este plato sirve tanto para iniciar una comida, como para acompañarla y así favorecer su digestión... y también como plato protagonista en una buena dieta.

El sabor lo va a poner principalmente el Queso tierno


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