Mariscal & Sarroca
Mariscal & Sarroca, Antonio and Yolanda, is a family-run business dedicated to exporting top quality Spanish products. Mariscal & Sarroca is a synonym for Spanish gourmet food, delicacies, exclusive products, top quality; but also professionalism, respect for artisanal methods, environmentally friendly production processes and search for healthy food. Quite simply Mariscal & Sarroca can guarantee excellent products and service.
We love travelling around the world, and this made us realize that, while Spanish foods were very much appreciated, they were often hard to find abroad. We are fully aware of the demonstrated benefits that the traditional Mediterranean diet has on our health, so we decided to source the best olive oil, jamón, cured meats and cheese from around Spain. Now you can also benefit from their properties, and enjoy the best flavours from Spain without having to leave your front door.
Our success is built on the quality of our products. We are an international brand that relies on established traditions to keep innovating. Our products are made following old production processes and observing the strictest sanitary and quality controls. We have sourced gourmet foods throughout Spain. Our search took us to small villages and farms keen to export their best produce. The farmers we have got to know are experts at what they do. We totally trust them and respect their profound knowledge. In turn, they are very excited about the possibility of their products travelling abroad. Mariscal & Sarroca contributes to sharing their deep-rooted culinary traditions. The food products we offer are made without taking time into consideration, quality is the only and foremost priority. After all ‘good things come to those who wait’.
In a world where rushing from here to there seems to occupymost of our time, we sometimes forget the small pleasures of life. Mariscal & Sarroca invites you to take a break from the daily hassles, sit at the table and enjoy our unique quality products with friends and family. We want to fill your house with the flavours that bring back memories of the sun, the warmth of a special moment that you will never forget, new sensations and flavours that remind you of the joy and tranquility of a perfect holiday.

Además del jamón y del queso, en los hogares españoles nunca faltan los embutidos. El embutido es una pieza de alimento, generalmente elaborada con carne picada y aderezada con hierbas aromáticas y especias como el pimentón, pimienta, ajos, romero, tomillo, nuez moscada, etc. El embutido es perfecto para comerlo en bocadillo y algunos de ellos también se pueden usan para cocinar como chorizo, que es sin duda, el
Afuega'l pitu. Elaborado artesanalmente con leche de vaca en la zona central de Asturias, es seguramente el queso más antiguo de ese Principado y uno de los más populares, ya que se hacía para el autoconsumo en la mayoría de los hogares campesinos, dada la facilidad de su elaboración y la abundancia de leche.
Su curioso

La Generalitat de Cataluña, España, encargó un estudio para conocer las opciones estratégicas del sector gourmet. El estudio se llamó “el sector gourmet a Catalunya, uptade estratègic 2012”. En ese año, en Cataluña había 500 empresas en el sector gourmet, 6 de cada 10 de ellas dedicadas a la alimentación y 4 de 10 a las bebidas. El producto gourmet en alimentación es aquel que tiene una calidad superior, exclusividad

Córdoba, la ciudad de la Mezquita y de los califas, es famosa también por sus flamenquines. Una comida sencilla de preparar, que se puede acompañar con una ensalada o patatas fritas. Los flamenquines son en realidad un rollo de carne relleno de jamón y queso y rebozado. La carne puede ser ternera o cerdo. Si es cerdo lo mejor es coger la parte del lomo que es la más entera.