Category Archives: CHARCUTERIE

Salmorejo and cecina open sandwich

Open sandwiches are very popular in Spain, it is a tapa often found in bars, and a healthy snack, very easy to prepare at home. They can be topped with any leftovers or anything that takes your fancy and you find in the fridge. Salmorejo is like a richer and deeper gazpacho. Impress your guests with this wonderfully Spanish open sandwich.

Ingredients (Serves 4)

- 4 bread slices

Tomato salad with chorizo

Ingredients (serves 4) 1 chorizo ring Mariscal & Sarroca 4 medium size ripe tomatoes 2 scallions/spring onions Pinch of black pepper Extra virgin olive oil Mariscal & Sarroca Sherry vinegar A handful of fresh parsley 1 clove of garlic

Start by roughly chopping the chorizo and the tomatoes. Fry the chorizo in plenty of hot olive oil until it gets crispy. While the chorizo is cooking, finely slice the scallions and


Lentil and chorizo stew recipe

Chorizo is one of the Spanish charcuterie products more popular outside our country. Today we are going to make a traditional stew which combines lentils with chorizo. There are many different regional varieties to this dish. Every grandmother cooks it adding her own personal touch. Nutritious and delicious!

Ingredients (4 people):

• 550 g brown lentils – Puy or pardina are good varieties • more

Sales of cecina have tripled over the last decade

Cecina is a salted dry meat cured with smoke or in the sun. This charcuterie product is traditionally made from beef in León, North West Spain, although in some other regions goat’s or sheep meat has also been used.

Cecina used to be made out of an old bull that had worked in the farm for a few years and was reserved to make cecina towards the end of


Chorizo: the spanish sausage that britons love

Practically unknown 10 years ago, it is now consumed in 42% of British homes. Yes, chorizo has become really popular in the UK, according to a survey carried out by the magazine Olive, which in its 10th anniversary issue has published the gastronomic preferences of the British population.

Second in popularity after our delicious red sausage is sweet chili, present in 35% of homes, followed by prosecco, the Italian


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