Category Archives: Blog (english)

Mariscal & Sarroca’s Blog (ENGLISH)

Tomato salad with chorizo

Ingredients (serves 4) 1 chorizo ring Mariscal & Sarroca 4 medium size ripe tomatoes 2 scallions/spring onions Pinch of black pepper Extra virgin olive oil Mariscal & Sarroca Sherry vinegar A handful of fresh parsley 1 clove of garlic

Start by roughly chopping the chorizo and the tomatoes. Fry the chorizo in plenty of hot olive oil until it gets crispy. While the chorizo is cooking, finely slice the scallions and


How to use saffron? What dishes go well with this exotic spice?

Saffron is very appreciated in Spanish cooking. This spice contributes to our recipes adding colour, as well as flavour. In order to bring out all the best of it, the fine threads should first be slightly toasted on a pan over a low fire, so that they dry and can be easily ground. We then dilute them in a little bit of water, or


Lentil and chorizo stew recipe

Chorizo is one of the Spanish charcuterie products more popular outside our country. Today we are going to make a traditional stew which combines lentils with chorizo. There are many different regional varieties to this dish. Every grandmother cooks it adding her own personal touch. Nutritious and delicious!

Ingredients (4 people):

• 550 g brown lentils – Puy or pardina are good varieties • more

Olive oil hair mask

Olive oil has been used in beauty treatments for centuries and many cultures have benefited from its properties. Egyptians used it to massage their muscles as well as their skin and hair.  It was also used as a base to make perfumed oils. Mixed with saffron and other herbs it was applied as a moisturizer. Greeks and Romans discovered it was a great tonic which helped heal wounds,


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