Tag Archives: gourmet christmas hampers

Foie gras: an exquisite delicacy

Foie gras de Mariscal & Sarroca Hors d’oeuvre or amuse-bouches are the perfect opening to any special meal or gastronomic celebration. They are colourful, bite size morsels of deliciousness that excite our taste buds and put us in the mood for food. Foie gras canapés are perhaps the most luxurious and delicate ones we can serve. Mariscal & Sarroca have a selection of duck foie gras and goose foie gras that your guests

Celebrate epiphany the spanish way

Christmas is over and we have given presents to everyone we know. Time to rest from all the parties and big meals… or maybe not?! Did you miss any one? Relax, there is still time to surprise them following the Spanish tradition of giving presents on the night of the 5th January, when the Three Wise Men worshipped Baby Jesus in the manger.

When the Christmas lights are being



Christmas is nearly here and we cannot stop thinking about all the presents we want to make. They will all have to be ready under the tree for Christmas Day. The image of Santa coming down the chimney puts a smile in everybody’s face.

Santa is one of the most famous characters in the world. But who was Santa? And did he really exist? The personality of Santa was


Marical & Sarroca. De pequeños a grandes detalles gourmet.

¡Cómo pasa el tiempo! Un año más y de nuevo pensando en Navidad. Otra vez las comidas y cenas especiales. Otra vez los regalos. Y no hay mejor manera de triunfar que con las cestas navideñas Mariscal&Sarroca. Productos de primera calidad con espectaculares envoltorios que garantizan el éxito. Un regalo gourmet, con artículos de primera calidad.

Mariscal&Sarroca te ofrece una amplia gama de cajas regalo. Puedes elegir entre la


Mariscal & Sarroca. The perfect gourmet gift comes in many sizes!

Combine our products to make your perfect personalized hamper gifts with a special taste.

This year you can make your christmas presents more personal by combining our products anyway you like...

Gourmet gifts with wonderful taste: venison cecina, gin tonic jelly, spicy afuega’l pitu paprika cheese, tomato and green peppercorn jam with a hint of whisky, extra virgin olive oil with saffron…



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