Tag Archives: iberico chorizo

Are you a foodie? This post is especially for you

The Regional Government of Catalonia commissioned a report with the aim of analysing the strategic options of the gourmet sector. The study showed that in the region, in year 2012 there were 500 companies in the gourmet sector, 6 out of 10 dedicated to food and 4 out of 10 dedicated to drinks. Gourmet is a food produce of very high quality, sold in specialised shops, with a very attractive packaging


Los embutidos, carne de gran calidad y larga duración


Además del jamón y del queso, en los hogares españoles nunca faltan los embutidos. El embutido es una pieza de alimento, generalmente elaborada con carne picada y aderezada con hierbas aromáticas y especias como el pimentón, pimienta, ajos, romero, tomillo, nuez moscada, etc. El embutido es perfecto para comerlo en bocadillo y algunos de ellos también se pueden usan para cocinar como chorizo, que es sin duda, el


Potato and chorizo «tortilla»(omelette) recipe

Spanish tortilla is well known outside Spain. It seems the origins of it date back to the 19th c. when in the North of Spain a mixture of two humble ingredients, eggs and potatoes transformed into a culinary revelation.

From the original recipe, lots of different versions are possible, and we are going to make one that adds a lot of flavour and a touch of colour. Let’s make potato


Tomato salad with chorizo

Ingredients (serves 4) 1 chorizo ring Mariscal & Sarroca 4 medium size ripe tomatoes 2 scallions/spring onions Pinch of black pepper Extra virgin olive oil Mariscal & Sarroca Sherry vinegar A handful of fresh parsley 1 clove of garlic

Start by roughly chopping the chorizo and the tomatoes. Fry the chorizo in plenty of hot olive oil until it gets crispy. While the chorizo is cooking, finely slice the scallions and


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