Extra Virgin Olive Oil with Gold, symbol of luxury food on CNBC Arabia

Combine our products to make your perfect personalized hamper gifts with a special taste.
This year you can make your christmas presents more personal by combining our products anyway you like...
Gourmet gifts with wonderful taste: venison cecina, gin tonic jelly, spicy afuega’l pitu paprika cheese, tomato and green peppercorn jam with a hint of whisky, extra virgin olive oil with saffron…
COMBINE OUR PRODUCTS TO MAKE YOUR PERFECT PERSONALIZED GIFT:Mariscal & Sarroca is going to be at the Speciality & Fine Food Fair that takes place in London on 7th – 9th September 2014. This will be the 15th edition of this fair that showcases the most exclusive gourmet products from around the world. The fair also includes the unique Speciality Chocolate Fair, the only one of its kind in the UK.
The event takes place over three
La Generalitat de Cataluña, España, encargó un estudio para conocer las opciones estratégicas del sector gourmet. El estudio se llamó “el sector gourmet a Catalunya, uptade estratègic 2012”. En ese año, en Cataluña había 500 empresas en el sector gourmet, 6 de cada 10 de ellas dedicadas a la alimentación y 4 de 10 a las bebidas. El producto gourmet en alimentación es aquel que tiene una calidad superior, exclusividad