Tag Archives: spanish recipe

Ham croquettes recipe

Croquetas are small, lightly breaded and fried fritters. They are a sure hit as an appetizer or an afternoon snack with a beer or a glass of wine. They are creamy and smooth and very tasty. You can make the dough ahead and freeze it. A very popular Spanish tapa!

Ingredients (makes about 25)

- 250 g Iberico ham Mariscal & Sarroca - more

Tomato salad with chorizo

Ingredients (serves 4) 1 chorizo ring Mariscal & Sarroca 4 medium size ripe tomatoes 2 scallions/spring onions Pinch of black pepper Extra virgin olive oil Mariscal & Sarroca Sherry vinegar A handful of fresh parsley 1 clove of garlic

Start by roughly chopping the chorizo and the tomatoes. Fry the chorizo in plenty of hot olive oil until it gets crispy. While the chorizo is cooking, finely slice the scallions and


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