Tag Archives: spanish recipe

Baked apples with iberico chorizo and goat’s cheese

Apples with iberico chorizo recipe Here it's a recipe easy to make, quick to prepare and suitable for just one person: baked apples stuffed with iberico chorizo from Salamanca and goat’s cheese. Apples stuffed with a savoury filling of iberico chorizo, crunchy pine nuts and creamy goat’s cheese, baked until they’re soft and steaming and delicious. An awesome idea by the blogger Little Miss Katy. Let’s get started shall we?



Butter bean and iberico chorizo stew with tomatoes recipe

iberico chorizo recipe Autumn has arrived and it's a perfect occasion to taste a traditional and mediterranean recipe: butter bean and iberico chorizo from Spain with tomatoes, that has spice, bulk and taste, but with fewer calories, absolutely delicious and is really filling too. We hope that you will enjoy it, in under half an hour, as much the blogger Karen did sharing with her readers in lavenderandlovage.com.

Ingredients (Serves 2)

- 25g Spanish extra iberico

Shrimp and Chorizo Paella recipe

Paella, the best known spanish dish, is famous for its use of precious saffron. Are you ready for this traditional spanish recipe? If you use authentic ingredients to start with, in less than an hour you'll be experimenting a perfect feast.

First of all, you'll need three Mariscal & Sarroca gourmet products from our online store: Chorizo from Salamanca, Saffrom from Teruel and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. more


In Spain, cheeses are often served as a starter or a tapa, rather than at the end of a meal, like in other countries. But a cheese plate is always a delight, and a good selection of different varieties is a sure hit. Here are some tips to create the perfect cheese board.

The mildest cheeses should be placed on the edge of your board, so that they will


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