Category Archives: RECENT NEWS

Tostada de queso de cabra sobre crema de anchoas con mermelada de tomate ligeramente picante al whisky


Ingredientes: 2 rebanadas de pan (con cereales, integral o natural) 100 gr. de crema de anchoas 150 gr de Queso de cabra de Asturias Mariscal &Sarroca 1 bote de Mermelada de Tomate ligeramente picante al whisky Bubub   Preparación: Tostar las dos rebanadas de pan. Untar con la crema de anchoas la rebanada de pan. Cortar a filetes el queso de cabra M&S y colocarlo encima de la crema de anchoas. Por último, añadir por encima

Ensalada de tomate, ventresca de atún y jamón ibérico



Cortar los tomates en trocitos pequeños y colocarlos sobre una fuente en forma de flor (margarita)  cubriéndola. Colocar encima del tomate la ventresca de atún. Cubrir con el jamón ibérico la ventresca. Por último,  rociar con el aceite de la ventresta el jamón ibérico, la ventresca y el tomate. Lista para servir.


- 500 gr  tomates

- 250 gr de ventresca de atún



Tomato, onion and chorizo on toast

Serves 4 Ingredients
  • 4 ripe tomatoes, halved horizontally+
  • ½ red onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 chorizo sausage, thinly sliced
  • 4 slices thick toast
  • A handful of baby cos lettuce leaves

Preheat the oven to 150ºC (Gas mark 2)

Arrange chorizo slices in a circle on top of the onion. Bake for 25 minutes or until de tomatoes are soft and beginning to split.Put the tomato


Pimenton De la Vera smoked paprika, protected designation of origin


Golden Red, forever bringing COLOUR and FLAVOUR into our World

The cultivation of pepper for paprika was introduced in La Vera (Spain) in the 16th century by the Jeronimos monks from the Yuste Monastery. In 1556, Charles I of Spain decided to retire to the Yuste Monastery to lead a monastic life, where he remained for the rest of his life.

Tradition and knowledge combined


Handcrafted nuts with an innovative touch


VIOLET ALMONDS 80g This product is a world innovation, never seen in the market before. Selected amongst all the novelty gourmet products at the 28th edition of the “Salón de Gourmets” that took place in Madrid in March 2014. It was later exhibited at the “Show Cooking” of the fair, where it took critics, journalists and master chefs by surprise.


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