Health benefits of organic wine
Organic wine is produced without the use of pesticides or chemical additives of any kind. It has greater health benefits than industrially produced wine. According to a study carried out by the University of Burgundy and the Institute of Organic Farming from Switzerland, wine produced in a totally natural way has twice the amount of resveratrol, the molecule found in grapes, and thus the wine, to which anti-cancerous and antioxidant properties are attributed.
This study shows that organic white and red wine has 12 mg of resveratrol per litre, compared to 6 mg/l of wine produced from grapes that have been treated with pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
When making organic wine the use of synthetic products is completely avoided, and the soil is not treated in an industrialized way, applying instead ancestral techniques which have very often become obsolete. This type of wine is gaining popularity, and consumers of organic wine are well aware of its benefits, and also concerned about the environment. People that would want to know exactly where the produce comes from and how it was produced.

In Europe the biggest producers of organic wine are Spain and France. Mariscal & Sarroca offers organic wine from Majorca, Cellar Can Feliu. A great wine, traditionally produced.
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