Tag Archives: gourmet food from spain

It’s black truffle season in Spain

Black truffle, also known as the black diamond of kitchens, is in season. When the cold weather arrives in Teruel the tuber melanosporum, or black truffle, is ready to be enjoyed. This gourmet food is infused in the extra virgin olive oil that preserves our Albarracin Sheep’s cheese, which absorbs the intense flavour and aroma of the mysterious fungus.


Quince and walnut tart recipe


Today we would like to share with you a very sweet and seasonal dessert, made with a traditional Spanish sweet- Quince paste.  Quince is a late fruit, harvested at the end of September, when the summer is very nearly over. When picked, quinces are very hard and sour, so they are best transformed into a sweet delicate jelly, which is very often eaten with cheese,


Extra virgin olive oil. Great for your health.


Extra virgin olive oil is one of the key components of the Mediterranean diet, the most healthy diet available. Many scientific studies have been carried out on the properties of this food, and it is now proven that extra virgin olive oil helps lower cholesterol levels, can aid in the control of high blood pressure and diabetes, it has great antioxidant power and it contributes in the


The taste umami in acorn fed Iberico ham

Umami is a Japanese word that means ‘tasty and flavoursome’. In Japan umami is considered the fifth flavour, a taste which is not salty, sweet, sour or bitter. This new flavour was discovered by the Japanese scientist Kikunae Ikeda in 1908.


Ikeda was a professor at the Imperial University of Tokio, and when he was studying the famous Japanese soup called dashi, made with the kombu


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