Tag Archives: gourmet food from spain

It’s St. Valentine’s! Celebrate with gourmet products from Mariscal & Sarroca

St Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, a day to remind that special person in your life that they really are special. Mariscal & Sarroca offers you a great selection of top quality gourmet products to make your loved one a little bit happier.

For those that think that St Valentine’s is just a modern invention, they may like to hear that its origins date back to Roman


The three wise men bring special presents

Three wise men bringing gifts to Christ, isolated on white

In Spain, and many other Latin American countries, the Three Wise Men bring presents to the children on the night of 5th January, when they come in through the windows to fill the house with gifts. A big parade is watched by many excited children.

Let Mariscal & Sarroca be your special Three Wise Men.



Celebrate epiphany the spanish way

Christmas is over and we have given presents to everyone we know. Time to rest from all the parties and big meals… or maybe not?! Did you miss any one? Relax, there is still time to surprise them following the Spanish tradition of giving presents on the night of the 5th January, when the Three Wise Men worshipped Baby Jesus in the manger.

When the Christmas lights are being


Fin de año. Momento de esperanzas renovadas.

La noche del 31  de diciembre es una noche mágica. Es momento de reflexión y de esperanzas renovadas. ¿Qué proyectos no salieron como queríamos en este año que ya acaba? ¿Qué deseos tenemos para los próximos 365 días que vemos por delante como un lienzo en blanco? Con el toque de las campanadas y el brindis de las copas, las frustraciones se olvidan.

Christmas DecorationEsta noche está llena


Christmas. Time to indulge and celebrate.


At Christmas there is always more time to spend with family and friends around the table. A time to indulge and celebrate.  We would like to invite you to make it extra special this year by adding Mariscal & Sarroca products to your festive table. Here are a few simple but delicious suggestions of very appetising dishes made with the best gourmet foods from Spain.



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