Tag Archives: gourmet food spain

Extra Virgin Olive Oil with Gold, symbol of luxury food on CNBC Arabia

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Mariscal & Sarroca on CNBC Arabia CNBC Arabia presents our Extra Virgin Olive Oil with Gold Mariscal&Sarroca as a reference in a report on the luxury ‪food‬ that you can find in UAE, with our distributor Lootah Premium Foods. Among the selection of related gourmet products, Mariscal & Sarroca's EVOO with gold shows up (1:10 minute). With the characteristic sparkles produced by its gold, this Spanish extra virgin olive

Todo listo para el «Carnaval gourmet» de Altafulla

Ya está aquí la semana de Carnaval, una de las fechas más festivas del calendario y que bien merece ser disfrutada no sólo en la calle, sino también en casa. Razones suficientes para ayudarte a recibir esta fiesta como un gran foodie.

En nuestra tienda de Altafulla (Tarragona) tenemos todo listo para disfrazarte de aromas y sabores gourmet seleccionados por Mariscal&Sarroca y celebrar el Carnaval 2016 por


Tostada de queso de cabra sobre crema de anchoas con mermelada de tomate ligeramente picante al whisky


Ingredientes: 2 rebanadas de pan (con cereales, integral o natural) 100 gr. de crema de anchoas 150 gr de Queso de cabra de Asturias Mariscal &Sarroca 1 bote de Mermelada de Tomate ligeramente picante al whisky Bubub   Preparación: Tostar las dos rebanadas de pan. Untar con la crema de anchoas la rebanada de pan. Cortar a filetes el queso de cabra M&S y colocarlo encima de la crema de anchoas. Por último, añadir por encima

Handcrafted nuts with an innovative touch


VIOLET ALMONDS 80g This product is a world innovation, never seen in the market before. Selected amongst all the novelty gourmet products at the 28th edition of the “Salón de Gourmets” that took place in Madrid in March 2014. It was later exhibited at the “Show Cooking” of the fair, where it took critics, journalists and master chefs by surprise.


Iced truffels with gin tonic jelly

Bubub jams are totally different and original. They will change the way you eat jams and marmalades. Take for example the superb GIN TONIC JELLY with some iced truffles. Absolutely delicious!

But there are many more varieties that Mariscal & Sarroca has selected for you.

............  Bubub picks the best fruit, more

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