Tag Archives: maricas and sarroca

How to use saffron? What dishes go well with this exotic spice?

Saffron is very appreciated in Spanish cooking. This spice contributes to our recipes adding colour, as well as flavour. In order to bring out all the best of it, the fine threads should first be slightly toasted on a pan over a low fire, so that they dry and can be easily ground. We then dilute them in a little bit of water, or


Mariscal & Sarroca. Follow us on Social Networks!

MARISCAL&SARROCA, Antonio and Yolanda, is a family-run business dedicated to exporting top quality Spanish products. Mariscal & Sarroca is a synonym for Spanish gourmet food, delicacies, exclusive products, top quality; but also professionalism, respect for artisanal methods, environmentally friendly production processes and search for healthy food. Quite simply Mariscal & Sarroca can guarantee excellent products and service.

If you want to know more about Spanish Gastronomy, we invite you


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