Tostada de cecina de ciervo con gelée de txakolí Bubub

Cecina de Ciervo Mariscal & Sarroca Las tostadas  se han puesto de moda en España en los últimos años. Muchos bares tienen en sus cartas esta tapa tan fácil de preparar y es un plato sencillo para hacerlo en casa en cualquier momento. Las tostadas pueden cubrirse con aquello que tengamos a mano. Hay muchas formas de prepararlas. Pero hoy os vamos a enseñar a hacer una tostada  especial y muy sabrosa. more

Are you a foodie? This post is especially for you

The Regional Government of Catalonia commissioned a report with the aim of analysing the strategic options of the gourmet sector. The study showed that in the region, in year 2012 there were 500 companies in the gourmet sector, 6 out of 10 dedicated to food and 4 out of 10 dedicated to drinks. Gourmet is a food produce of very high quality, sold in specialised shops, with a very attractive packaging


Olive oil hair mask

Olive oil has been used in beauty treatments for centuries and many cultures have benefited from its properties. Egyptians used it to massage their muscles as well as their skin and hair.  It was also used as a base to make perfumed oils. Mixed with saffron and other herbs it was applied as a moisturizer. Greeks and Romans discovered it was a great tonic which helped heal wounds,


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